More than 80 years of timber tradition
The extensive mining strike in 1934 motivated José María Martínez to seek a livelihood in the timber sector. Later, in 1967, his sons Pachu and Pepín, and his grandson Pedro Martínez, joined forces to form the company FRANCISCO MARTINEZ GARCIA. Years later, Pachu’s two daughters, Adelina and Martina, also joined the company.
The mentality of growth, innovation and continuous improvement was a constant in the development of the company. In 1970 the commercial firm MADERAS SIERO was born, and after passing through several locations, in 1982 they settled definitively in Los Cuetos. Since then the company has not stopped growing, innovating and looking outwards, also starting its international expansion.
SIERO LAM, S.A. was created in 1995 for the manufacture and distribution of second transformation products: glued and/or moulded solid wood products. Siero Lam represents a forward vertical integration by the Siero Group, which allows the sweet chestnut harvesting to be optimised to the maximum.
First forestry and commercial activities
Sawmilling activity begins
Creation of the trademark MADERAS SIERO
Investments are made in a sawmill at the current location in Argüelles (Siero), wood drying kilns are added and export activity begins.
SIERO LAM is created, as a forward vertical integration
SIERO LAM is created, as a forward vertical integration
Investment in a line for the production of chestnut glulam beams
Installation of a pellet plant at MADERAS SIERO for the integral use of by-products